Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Johnson+Butler Family Night

Yesterday to celebrate our one month anniversary, my sweet husband blindfolded me and drove me around town.  After I was thoroughly confused and felt like I was spinning in circles (later I found out we actually had because he thought it would throw me off so that I couldn't guess.  He was right), Joe surprised me by taking me out to dinner!  We went to Pita-Pit which has become one of our new favorite places. So delicious!!!  With his Dagwood Pita and my Chicken Soulvaki Salad, we left with our taste buds satisfied.

That night we met up with our cousins Aubrie and Aaron Butler for a fun Family Home Evening!  We went to their apartment in Springville and Aubrie gave a great lesson on patience using President Uchtdorf's talk "Continue in Patience."  She showed this cute and inspiring video as part of her lesson.  It was great sharing and learning together!
Afterwards, the four of us headed over to the park where we played tennis!  Aubrie has been taking a tennis class as part of her courses at Brigham Young University this term so we had a blast all playing together.  At first it was the two couples against each other, but after a while we switched it up to be boys versus girls. Girls won. :) Even though my skills are not where they used to be, I was reminded of the good ol' high school days on the Basha High School Freshman and Junior Varsity Tennis teams.  I gave up the sport when my family moved to Utah, but no matter what, I still love to play.

Since the boys lost, they were given responsiblity over refreshments.  Back at Aubrie and Aaron's house they made delicious strawberry banana smoothies!  Since it had been such a hot day outside, it was nice to cool off and relax before finishing the night.

We loved our time with cousins and time together as family.  It was a great end to Joe and I's first month anniversary!!!!

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