Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Lindsey!

Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My younger sister, Lindsey Johnson, is 17 years old today!  She is one of my best friends and I love her dearly.  I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished.  She is a talented singer/ pianist, and back in the day she even played the clarinet!  Now she is a International Science Fair Competitor for her work in Solar Technology regarding the enhancement of photovoltaic methods (Now before you google what that even means... it is the engineering process of enhancing the power of solar panels in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness.  Basically, finding ways to get the most out of a solar panel and its energy.  For more information... just ask Lindsey :)).  Yeah.  I have a smart sister.

And even beyond that, she is an amazing friend!  One of Lindsey's best qualities is her willingness and desire to give.  She is the queen of gift giving as she makes every gift a personal one.  She is always generous with what she has and would do absolutely anything to help anyone that she saw had a need.  I am so impressed with her and her big heart.

Also, Lindsey is a whiz at Family History!!!  She is crazy good at it and finds so much joy in building connections on our family tree.  With her work, our family lineage has been traced to Atilla the Hun, numerous European Kings, and most recently, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of Mary.  It is amazing to see all that she has been able to accomplish with that and also the people she has been able to teach through it. 

She is an amazing sister and I love her so much!  Happy Birthday Lou!!!!!!!!

Yep.  She is a babe.
She is one of my best friends
Sisters :)
I love this girl!

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